Hello there, my name is Caleb Capehart. I'm 38 years old, I live in Northern Colorado, and as you may have guessed, I am an amateur digital photographer!! I'm not just any amateur digital photographer, though; I take all my digital photos with my phone! So, everything you see on this site is something I captured with my phone.
I've taught myself how to shoot almost the same way as you would with a fancy Nikon or Canon digital camera over the last 10 years. With all the advances in these cameras, I've found it easier to use "pro mode" when shooting or editing pictures that capture my eye. In fact, that's exactly what my pictures are all about: everyday common occurrences that stick out to me that I want to share with people.
I love sunrises and sunsets. I like to surround myself with the beauty of the sky when a front is rolling in or just the peaceful elegance of nature when I go for drives or even camping. But most of all, I love the beauty of a moment I've noticed in the world that no one is around to share with me. So that's what my pictures are all about. Enjoying and forever capturing everyday beauty.
How long have you been a photographer?
I have been dabbling with photography ever since I was in 6th grade. I really started getting more into it after I went to Africa on a medical missionary trip with my folks, in my senior year of high school. That's when I started taking pictures of things I thought people would like to see, no matter how common they seemed. But I really found my passion for it when I moved to Wyoming in 2011 to move drilling rigs. That's when smartphones came out, and I bought one and loved it for capturing all the beautiful sunrises, sunsets, and night sky scenes we'd see out there. From there, it was all downhill.
What camera do you use?
I like Android phones. I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. I buy my phone based on three things: camera, processor, and size. I like to do my research and see what the latest and greatest has to offer because of the amount and type of pictures I like to take. Like I said before, it's basically like buying a $1300 digital camera these days.
What inspires you?
I grew up in the outdoors and looking at the stars with my dad. He was big into photography himself because he was a missionary for decades. He started my passion to appreciate "God's beauty" here on this earth. But the more color and "awe" there is to the scene, the more I want to capture it.