Never Underestimate a Great Denim Jacket: Winter Styling Tips That Work for Everything Denim jackets: the MVP of my wardrobe. Seriously, if you don’t own at least one denim jacket, are you even living your best...
Accessories Kimberlee’s Favorite Finds: Accessories Edition!Hey y’all! Can we talk about accessories for a sec? I mean, seriously—purses, handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, shoes, belts, jackets, scarves, hats, and vests. Wow,...
Everyday Life Thank a FarmerToday, since I’ve been absent for so long, I am simply going to ask you to thank a farmer. Any farmer because, in one...
Our First Chapter: Celebrating One Year of TMHMThis year taught us the importance of stepping outside our comfort zones and facing any challenge head-on. Every obstacle has been a lesson, and...
What Thanksgiving Means to Me: A Celebration of Blessings, Family, and TraditionThanksgiving has always held a special place in my heart. It’s more than just a day on the calendar—it’s a celebration of gratitude, family,...
Laid-Back & Lovin’ It: Casual Party Looks for the SeasonHey y’all! The holiday season is knocking on the door, which means it’s time for gatherings, great food, and looking fabulous while staying comfortable.